Roland Kovacs

Get in touch with us

Roland is one of our first Wrecking crew members from Europe, and it’s been a great experience having him on the team. One of the last remaining “Double D” players around, Roland is constantly pushing the boundaries in this seemingly forgotten style of 5a. His endless array of tricks has impressed all of us here at Werrd. Aside from being an amazing 5a player, Roland is also an incredible 1a player, and it is because of his versatile skill that we picked him up. His ability to adapt his knowledge of 1a and 5a to create his own unique style is why we found him to be a big asset to our team. With that being said, Werrd is more than happy to have Roland as a part of our team.

Name: Kovács Roland

Hometown: Budapest, Hungary

Years of yoyoing: Yoyoing since 2007 with smaller,larger breaks.

Main style: 1A and 5A.

Favorite yoyo: Pacquiao, 4XL, Sentinel, Cut, NVx, Addiction

Fav. food: all kinds of food with tons of paprika, chilli,jalapeño and pepper 🙂

Fav. Yoyoers: Takahiro Iizuka, Iskandar Shah, David Mellons, János Karancz and Jensen Kimmitt

Fav. Bands: Eluveitie, Ego Fall, Dalriada, A day to remember, Maximum the Hormone

Fav. Movie: Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo ,Sunshine, Pandorum, Star Wars 1-6, Terminator 2, Dredd, Robocop 2

Boxers or Briefs? I don’t understand the last question.